Scaling Entrepreneurial Ventures

General Information

Location: Cambridge, MA, USA
Date: August 27 to September 1, 2023

Held at Harvard Business School’s campus in Boston, Massachusetts, the weeklong Scaling Entrepreneurial Ventures Program has been designed to help Endeavor Entrepreneurs successfully build larger and more successful businesses. HBS faculty members will lead interactive classes centered around four themes: strategy, sales & marketing, leadership, and finance. Participants will enhance their skills in a number of key areas, including assessing growth opportunities, serving as an effective leader, and acquiring new customers.

Instructional Methods

  • The Case Method
  • Interactive Lectures
  • Participant Presentations
  • Learning Groups

Entrepreneur Testimonials

“It was a great experience. I was able to bring many valuable insights to  my company and daily work through he cases. Now I make a mini case for every strategic decision in the company! The two  main takeaways were to stay focused and not be tempted to diversify too much when growing and how important it is to stay  close to the company culture – I now hold a CEO breakfast once a month with people who have birthdays that month.”


“Through the case studies, I learned that focusing on profits  and pricing make a sustainable long term business. Discussing Panache in case study format has helped me look further at  costs and what improvements can be made in the present. My next two months will focus on this.”


Executive Education Programs for Key Staff

In 2023 we are launching a special program for Key Staff of Endeavor Companies!
This program will run in parallel with the EEs program at Harvard Business School, and it is designed specifically for Executives and Operators of fast-growing companies.

Key Staff will have the unique opportunity to be part of a class of true peers to create great connections with each other and foster their network. It will also be an amazing occasion for these Key Staff to get to know more about our network and meet Endeavor Entrepreneurs in selected and curated social activities.

Registration Process for Key Staff

  1. Key Staff can apply for a spot by selecting the “Key Staff Application” ticket.
  2. In the registration form they are asked to answer the question “Why do you want to attend this program?“. The answers will help us select participants for the class and to create study groups.
  3. The applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
  4. As we admit Key Staff onto the program they will be receiving the link to complete the registration and payment.

The fee for all participants, including Key Staff, is $7400 and includes lodging and meals and course materials for the duration of the program.

Please note that max of two Key Staff per company are allowed.

Faculty Include

Professor of Business
Administration at Harvard
Business School

Professor of Business
Administration at Harvard
Business School

Registration Form

For any questions or information, please email executive.education@endeavor.org.