The Multiplier Effect



high-impact entrepreneurs selected from 100k+ companies screened


jobs created by Endeavor Entrepreneurs


in revenues generated by Endeavor Entrepreneurs in 2022


in equity capital raised by Endeavor Entrepreneurs


team members on the ground in 42 markets around the world

"One thing I appreciate about Endeavor is the mentor network. I've been able to connect with various people who have helped my team on very specific topics. This inspires me to also give back to others in the network."

Tayo Oviosu, Paga
Entrepreneur Entrepreneur (Nigeria)

"We need someone by our side who is truly entrepreneur first. We have great investors on our cap table, but at the end of the day we each look out after our own interests; we see Endeavor as a true and loyal partner."

Phil Opamuratawongse, Shipper
Endeavor Entrepreneur (Indonesia)

"Sustainable economies are dependent on high-impact entrepreneurship. What Endeavor does better than any other organization is to create entire cultures of entrepreneurship that spread within and between countries."

Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn/Greylock
Endeavor Global Board Member

"With Endeavor I have become part of a global community of my people, the ones who share a world view and passion for making a difference while sharing the wealth and passing on the wisdom for the next generation."

Jason Green, Emergence Capital
Endeavor Global Board Member

"We are a global community, with a wide range of perspectives and backgrounds. We care about each other as much as we do about the world we live in. That’s what makes us an empowered community."

Hande Cilingir, Insider
Entrepreneur Entrepreneur (Turkey)

Knowledge Center on High-Impact Entrepreneurship

Endeavor Insight is the research division of Endeavor that provides data-driven analysis showing what makes entrepreneurial ecosystems thrive. Our research team specializes in understanding the needs of high-impact entrepreneurs and evaluating the networks that enable them to scale up.


200+ Investments Across 30+ Emerging and Growth Markets

Endeavor Catalyst is the rules-based, co-investment fund of Endeavor, set up to invest exclusively in Endeavor Entrepreneur-led companies and to sustain Endeavor’s long-term operations in a mission-aligned way.

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